Terms, Conditions, Policies

Last updated .

Personal Information

In order to prove their identity, users authenticate via Pocket. Pocket provides us with a user’s username (which may be their email address), and a unique token. No other information is collected from Pocket.

While using this service, users opt in to subscribing to RSS & Atom feeds which are either provided by the user, or selected from the publicly shared directory. Such subscription details and feeds marked as private are associated with each user.


We do not track you. We do not use any third party services to track you.

Web server access logs are kept for up to 60 days. Session cookies are used to identify users for the duration of their session. Users who have logged in will have a logged in state flag set; this flag persists between sessions and is used to aid returning users by automatically logging them in where possible. No other cookies are in use by this site.


If you have questions about this policy, you may contact us.